Mendebaldea 948 198 011 | Mutilva 948 109 344 | Lezkairu 948 023 544

 Yosy Bailer

Ph.D. Student and Resident Researcher – UNAV (Spain)

M.Ed. Secondary Education – UNAV (Spain)

B.A. (Hons) Studio Art – Rollins College (U.S.A.)

CLIL qualified

CELTA Young Learners qualified & CELTA qualified 

Certificate of Introduction to Family Engagement in Education. Harvard Graduate School of Education.

17 years of experience 

YLE Course Director

Where are you from?

I was born in Venezuela, but I grew up in Central Florida. Right now Pamplona is home.

What do you like about Pamplona?
It is the perfect place to raise a family!

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have an older brother and two younger brothers. They all live across the Atlantic.

What do you like doing in your free time?
In my free time I am happy to engage in any art related activities, I enjoy researching random topics that spark my curiosity on the Internet and watching stand-up comedy specials. I also like laughing and smiling… a lot!

What sports do you like?
I love watching gymnastics! In all honesty I don’t practice any sports myself, but I make sure to walk at least 10 thousend steps daily.

What’s your favourite food?
Tomato, cucumber, green olive and mozzarella salad with a bit of hot sauce.

What was your favourite game when you were a kid?
Anything pretend or make believe!

What’s your favourite English word?
My favourite word is creativity. I like catching it with my eye, pronouncing it, how it sounds… and all the layers of meaning to it.