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Cian O’Connor

Computer Science at Cork Institute of technology C.I.T.

TEFL certified.

9 years teaching experience. 

Where are you from?

I’m from Cork, Ireland. It’s this beautiful City in the south of Ireland built on a bog.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have a younger sister called Niamh and a younger brother called Aaron. My sister is finishing university and my brother is still in school.

What sports do you like?

I like all sports.  My favorites are more from the extreme side of sport such as, skateboarding, snowboarding and climbing. I also like, football,rugby, basketball, tennis, swimming….the list goes on.

What’s your favourite food?

That’s a diffcult question as I like all foods but, I love Sunday Roasts. In Ireland of a Sunday we have a meal with all the family that consists of: Roast potatoes, Stuffing, Chicken, Peas, Carrots and gravy. It is delicious!!

What’s your favourite Spanish food?

There’s a village close to Pamplona called Ujue. There, they make a special kind of bread (I’ve forgotten the name) that is very famous from that village and incredibly popular. I think that would be a close number one along with Paella. What kind of music do you like? I can’t say I have a favourite as there are some many different genres of music. Growing up I was a big fan of Queen, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldpaly, Ed Sheeren, Dire Straits, Michael Jackson, Jethro Thull and Bob Dylan.

What’s your favourite book?

Currently, ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ by Ernest Hemingway

What do you miss most about your home?

My family and friends, my cat and dog, and the feeling. What was your favourite game when you were a kid? It’s not really a game but, my cousin and I would wait for my uncle’s to go to work then, we would sneak into their room, turn on the Sega or PlayStation, and enjoy it throughout the day!!